We are absolutely thrilled and humbled to announce our Corporate Partnership with Hunger Fight; a charity that provides millions of meals and books to children, seniors, and families in need. Route joins tens of thousands of volunteers, businesses, foundations, and community groups striving to fight hunger and illiteracy.
Our monthly corporate donation will help to support Hunger Fight’s Feed the Backpacks, Feed the Need to Read, and the #iDREAM programs. In addition, our team will be building awareness through email (with the Hunger Fight logo in our signatures), and on Route’s website and social media pages.
Fighting hunger will always be a cause that is very important to us here at Route. If you would like to join us in the fight against hunger, learn more about the Feed the Backpacks program here.
Hunger Fight’s Mission: “To end hunger and illiteracy through the provision of nutritious meals to children, seniors, and families in need and age-appropriate books to preschoolers by engaging communities and mobilizing partners.”